Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Should gay marriages be legal?36 states have passed legislation banning gay marriages, yet the state of Vermont passed a law that allows homosexual couples the right to participate in civil unions. Some other states are also debating whether or not to allow these couples to marry.

Unfortunately, the dispute has left the United States homosexual community in an
awkward position. There are some people who think that gay people have no rights and
should never be allowed to marry. Other people believe that gay people are just like
anyone else and should enjoy the same rights and privileges as heterosexuals do. I think
that the United States should not allow these couples to marry just like any other couple.

There are many opponents of gay people as it is, and they all have their reasons to
dislike the idea of letting them get married. One of the main reasons is that the primary
purpose of marriage is procreation. Because gay couples are unable to have children, they
should not be allowed to marry,in my opinion marriage is defined as “a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife.

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